Friday, May 22, 2020
Violence in Shakespeares Julius Caesar - 1018 Words
Violence is one of the most exaggerated forms of physical aggression and it can exist for a series of reasons. It involves a person or a group of persons acting against another person or groups of persons with the purpose to achieve one or several diverse goals. In many cases violence results from individuals perceiving the acts of other people as hostile and thus wanting to act against these people before it is too late. Depending on the situation, more or less individuals might get involved in an act of violence, especially when they consider that it would be essential for them to do so. William Shakespeares tragedy Julius Caesar provides audiences with an account involving the Roman dictator Julius Caesar, the 44 B.C. conspiracy that resulted in his violent assassination, and the continued violence that dominated Rome consequent to his death. In spite of the fact that the plays title is Julius Caesar, Caesars character only appears in three scenes. The tragedys central character is Marcus Brutus and most of the storyline relates to him and to his failure to understand matters from a general perspective when he has the chance to do so. The play actually demonstrates how violence can emerge from individuals misinterpreting behavior seen in others and the idea of violence dominates most of the play, shaping the way that characters interact and think. From the very first lines of the play audiences are presented with the character of Murellus. This charactersShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Macbeth Essay1207 Words  | 5 Pageslike Macbeth or Julius Caesar. The protagonists Macbeth and Banquo conquer the evils that face them throughout the plot. However, the nature of violence that takes place throughout Shakespeare’s plays is in relation toâ€Å"the source of the killing of the soul†(Macbeth and the Nature of Evil). In Macbeth, Macbeth is known as a superhuman warrior, the characteristics of being brave and having ambition. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
A Small, Good Thing a pessimistic or optimistic story - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1139 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/10/10 Category Literature Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? â€Å"A small, Good Thing,†is a play that begins by narrating an event of Saturday afternoon in an American city that is not named. The story addresses some themes like connection, loss, conflict, helplessness loneliness and isolation themes which make the play to be pessimistic. This play generally portrays pessimistic after Scotty was hit by the car and got injured and taken to the hospital, some were not hopeful that the boy will heal and be well again until the report from the doctor was announced that he was dead (Ives 35). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Small, Good Thing a pessimistic or optimistic story?" essay for you Create order The author begins by explaining how the Weiss a mother who is very young drives to the nearest shopping center to order a cake. Her son Scotty was about to his celebrate 8th birthday which was to take place at dawn Monday. The evidence that this play is pessimistic is portrayed hence the baker who was to make the cake for the birthday is a taciturn man and the Scotty’s mother, Ann, does not take to him (Ives 36). He assures that the cake will be ready in time. In the next day when Scotty and his friend are walking to the school very early in the morning there, a misfortune strikes him. He is knocked down by a car where his friend cries but he immediately wakes up as if he was not injured. The driver assumes this drives away leaving the boy shaken. After the school, he returns home and immediately lies down on the sofa and becomes unconscious. There and then the mother rushes to organize for an ambulance to take his son to the hospital (Ives 38). In the play, the idea of segregation and speculation makes the story pessimistic. The Baker took a lot of time to make just a simple birthday cake and also no mentioned children and his wife. Most of the time he is segregated from the other people however he is the only one baker. There is also evident sense from Ann the mother and Howard the father to Scotty that they ever felt no hope for their sons healing and are ever waiting for the updates of how about of their son. The play explores how the idea of communication is portrayed and how it is lacked by the characters (Ives 45). Carver shows how the baker hangs up many times on the parents of Scott over the baking of the birthday cake that took him three days. In addition, the doctor who is in charge of Scotty is unable to update the parents about their son and does not ever tell them that Scotty will wake up. In the play, there is also evident of internal and external conflicts. This is portrayed when the baker calls the Scottyâ⠂¬â„¢s parents and they hang up because they had not yet paid for the cake, a clear suggestion of an external disagreement (Ives 48). Before the accident, the life of Scotty was very smooth and challenge that occurred he overcame courageously. The parents of Scotty after he died conflicted the parents of Franklin to obtain the information about how Scotty was involved in the accident because they had no hope whether they will get the clear information. In addition, the short story by Raymond Carver’s â€Å"A Small, Good Thing†it is pessimistic because loneliness is witnessed in the short story where some characters are hopeless with their life (Ives 52). Pessimistic in this short novel can be witnessed where the child is considered dead due to failures of communication. The mother is very hopeless after her child is hit by a car while she had ordered birthday for his son. She becomes very pessimistic on that issue because her only love child that she had ordered birthday cake no longer exists. This kind of pessimistic in the story still proceeds to a certain extend whereby her child is hospitalized very unconscious and issues of the cake are forgotten of which it was not the case with the mother who really loves her child (Ives 65). Pessimism still is portrayed in this story because the cake which was to be used for birthday party had not been picked which brings kind of hopeless in the short story which on real life situation reflects current life situation where people have become very pessimistic with life because they have considered life very hard after a certain situation. For instance, this case of situation has happened in the short story where even the doctor is very pessimistic with the health status of Scotty because she is not aware whether he will recover and wake up. This is kind of situation which have made many societies to remain behind because they usually fail to hope and trust on certain issues which seem challenging in their life. In addition, pessimistic is also observed in this short story because Baker who is a character in the story proves a lot of confusion and isolation which is a result of lack of hope with life (Ives 88). The interaction between the parents and the outside world in this story fail due lack of optimism which results to the pessimistic in the whole short story. In this short story, it has been realized that the man and the mother fail to talk the same language and this poor communication misleads them and makes them to be left alone. Pessimistic is also realized whereby Scotty’s parents and Franklin’s parents they emotionally connect but as a result of lack of optimism the failure becomes more dangerous. Their disagreement does not provide hope for tomorrow because they are unable to bridge the gap and talk disturbing problems (Ives 77). The presence of deep emotional connection they are stumbling blocks which prevents agreements and hope for the future. This problem has brought about big tragedies to them in life which makes them stay hopeless life. Pessimistic in this short story can also be displayed on character development which is based on tragedy and anger driven. This will automatically create state of lack of hope for living hence at the end of the day people find themselves committing very fatal suicide to take away their life in order to evade such problems. In conclusion, Raymond Carver’s story â€Å"A Small Good Thing†is a kind of story that is used to show how people have failed to be optimistic with life to better their life. Instead, the story tries to show how people have become very pessimistic and they view life as useless thing where an individual cannot withstand difficult life issues which they face. Good examples can be drawn from this short story where there are family struggles when their only son fatally gets involved in a car accident. The parents fail to hope for anything good because they don’t imagine their son waking up.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stereotyping and Its Effects Free Essays
Stereotyping, brought on by the existence of a class system, has many positive effects in John Steinbeck†s Grapes of Wrath. This class system, made up of migrants and affluent people, is present due to the fact that many of the affluent people stereotype the migrants as poor, uneducated, and easily agitated human beings. Thus, this sets a boundary between the educated individuals and migrants. We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotyping and Its Effects or any similar topic only for you Order Now At first, most migrants ignore the effects stereotyping has on them. But towards the end of their journeys to California, the migrants†rage that had been gradually building up inside lets out and the migrants take action. The effects are more positive as the migrants strive for an education, receive sympathy, and calmly deal with conflicts. Farm owners, successful businessmen, and generally all inhabitants of the Mid-West have a sense that all migrants are dumb, uneducated people in 1939. They lower wages for fruit-picking at farms which were the only jobs offered to the migrants because of their proposed lack of intelligence. But migrants do not necessarily choose not to educate themselves. Ma Joad announces to her family that she will send her two youngest children to school once they are settled. Connie, Rose of Sharon†s husband, also plans out his goals with Rose of Sharon saying, â€Å"An†he†s [Connie] gonna study at home, maybe radio, so he can git to be an expert . . . †The migrants have their mind already set on education and chose not to be ignorant all of their lives. Often in Grapes of Wrath, the affluent people stereotype the migrants as poor and penniless. As the Joads pull into the gas station, the attendant immediately asks, â€Å"Got any money?†He views the Joads as one of many poor, migrant families arriving to beg for some gas. But not all people who view migrants as poverty-stricken, hungry people see them in such a way. Mae, a waitress at one of the restaurants pities a family asking for bread and shows her compassion by letting the children have candy for much less than its worth. Instead of the anticipated let-down, the migrants receive pity from those with compassion and sympathy. Not only do affluent individuals see the migrants as uneducated and penniless, but also as easily agitated human beings. Because farm workers are afraid that these migrants may someday take over their farms, they try to make the migrants†stay more unwelcoming. â€Å"Now if there was a big fight and maybe shooting-a bunch of deputies could go in and clean out the camp,†one of the owners says to Tom and the Wallaces. Farm owners even plan to start a fight, thinking that no migrant can pass up a fight. But the migrants deal with the problem in a calm manner with no fight ever beginning. Cops swarm all over to provoke migrants so that many can be arrested and pulled off the streets. But the migrants resolve their problems so that new problems do not start. To farm owners, provoking migrants is a way to keep more migrants from stealing their land and resources but ends unsuccessfully. Stereotyping, brought on by the existence of a class system, has many positive effects in Grapes of Wrath. The migrants do intend to acquire an education, receive sympathy from the compassionate, and react intelligently to tempting situations. Steinbeck portrays society in its truest form. Even with the negative influence of the affluent people, the migrants receive just as many positive results as there are negative under such harsh circumstances. How to cite Stereotyping and Its Effects, Papers
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